學習編寫Coding?STEM編程課程對小朋友的好處 Even Kids started learn to code? The benefits of STEM learning to KIDs.




編程亦可鼓勵孩子學會堅持,電腦科學(Computer Science)是少數幾個必須接受不斷失敗的專門學科之一,當程序發生錯誤時,我們可以即時發現失敗,而且我們必須解決所有錯誤,才能實現成功。即使是最簡單的程序,我們也需要一個編碼員來理解和解決這些問題,否則系統不能執行代碼。








美國麻省理工學院(MIT)開發了編程課程Scratch Jr及Strach,分別讓3-5歲及6-8歲小孩認識編程,孩子可以透過拖放積木,開始學習編程,在專業導師指導下,孩子可以創作自己的故事、遊戲或Flappy Bird之類的動畫,通過砌積木的模式學習,孩子可以打好基礎,將來可以更容易過渡文本編程。




Back in the days, in primary school all we learn is to type efficiently and perhaps how send emails and draw using computers. But times has changed. Nowadays technology has advanced so much the younger generations are more used to different types of electronic devices and school are begin to teach more advanced stuff like coding. 

And why should kids learn coding? Firstly, Coding Boosts Problem-Solving Skills

Coding is one of the most straightforward ways for children to boost their problem-solving skills.

Coding also encourages Persistence; computer science is one of the few professional disciplines where it’s entirely acceptable to be near-constantly failing. Not only is failure immediately recognizable for example when a program “breaks,” and doesn’t work as intended — but success literally cannot be achieved until all errors are handled. Even the most straightforward programs require a coder to understand a set of problems and solve them. Otherwise, the code won’t run as intended.

Coding Teaches Creativity

Creativity it’s something every early educator and parent is wholly concerned with, and yet it’s not a quality prized by most working adults.

Experts suggest that kids should learn to code. As a practice, coding positions developers as “creators” or “world-builders” within a programming environment — by definition, the discipline requires creative thinking and an experimental mindset.

Kids learn to code helps with Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is a broad term. Generally speaking, it refers to a person’s ability to understand and engage with technology in a thoughtful, meaningful way. Topics such as internet safety, cyberbullying, digital footprints, and online ethics all fall under the purview of digital literacy.

Technology surrounds us and it supports our work, facilitates communication, enables social connectivity, and upholds nearly every industry in the economy. In the modern world, being able to understand and engage with technology isn’t just good to have. It’s a necessity for navigating an increasingly digitized society. Children need to know technology; in other words, they need to be digitally literate. 


Fun coding/programming courses is a great way to start with coding

For example, ScratchJr (for ages 3 to 5) and Scratch (for ages 6 to 8) were also developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and kids can start their programming journey by dragging and dropping blocks. Kids can also create their own stories, games and animations like Flappy Bird under the guidance of professional instructors.

Scratch uses block programming so that kids can learn like building blocks, laying a good foundation for them and helping them transition to text programming.

To summarize, it’s safe to say that coding is one of the most constructive hobbies for your child to adopt, especially since it can help them develop persistence, communication, creativity, and higher-order thinking. 

Yes, learning to code also sets your child up for potentially lucrative career opportunities, but it offers children so much more than that. A modern parent can’t go wrong by encouraging their child to program.