NFT與STEM的關係.不止STEM,還有STEAM (Art) The relationship of NFT & STEM.And ever more, STEAM (Art)

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) 是科學、技術、工程和數學四個範疇的縮寫,現時讀STEM相關學科的學生太少,因此STEM對政府來說,變得更為重要。

在技術(Technology)教育方面,最近坊間開辦了不少STEAM課程,探索加密貨幣(如Bitcoin比特幣)、區塊錬和非同質化代幣(NFT),學生有興趣了解NFT,並討論NFT對未來教育的意義,甚至思考他們可以創造的事。現時有幾間大學正使用NFT來進行認證和遙距學習工作,其中美國杜克大學(Duke University)以NFT的形式,為其金融技術工程碩士畢業生頌授證書。



當學生或教師表現優秀時,學術界時可以設計和創造NFT,加深對該表現的印象。利用NFT作學歷或履歷,有助更有追蹤和查閱學生的學習過程,而由於這個代幣有「永久」和獨一無二的特性,因此這個成績單是不可更改的,學生亦無法偽造學術證書。NFT現時有多種使用方式,為工作和生活帶來好處,教育家及作家Rabbi Michael Cohen在NFT方面做了大量工作,甚至於星期二晚在Twitter Space舉行聯天,他留意到NFT在創作和藝術上有很大潛力。

億萬富翁及NFT平台投資者Mark Cuban認為,教科書將會成為NFT體驗的一部分,電子教科書可以轉售,而每次轉售可以收取版權費。







STEM is an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Discussion of STEM-related programs has become a presidential priority because too few college students are pursuing degrees in these fields.

In education of technology, recently a lot of STEAM courses on emerging technology have explored bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and NFTs. Students are interested in learning about NFTs and discussing what it means for the future and for education, and even brainstorming what they would create. There are several universities that are using NFTs for credentialing and also for working in remote learning environments. One example is Duke University which has provided educational credentials in the form of NFTs for its Master of Engineering in Financial Technology degree.

Other universities are exploring some unique uses of NFTs. In some Universities the NFTs represent academic tokens, without monetary value, that represents when a student has passed the course. The NFT contains unique details about student performance. MIT has done research and has been advocating for the use of blockchain for authenticating college certificates and transcripts.

Students are interested in learning about NFTs and discussing what it means for the future and for education, and even brainstorming what they would create.

At a high school level, think about times when we use assessments for learning or we share evidence of work that students have done whether that comes in the form of a certificate, maintaining student records, accessing results from a standardized test, or recording other academic achievements. These require time to obtain and to store and, in some cases, can easily be forged. With so much technology available, we can make certificates and other documents look authentic. However, with NFTs and the inability to forge them, schools are likely going to consider using NFTs for a variety of reasons.  

When a student or teacher does well, to make it memorable, the academic sector can now create and design an NFT. The use of NFTs as diplomas and resumes could help better track and access what students have earned throughout their school careers. By using NFTs, it serves to stop students from falsifying their academic certifications because the token serves as a permanent, unchangeable and unique “transcript.” There are many ways NFTs are being used now and which can benefit various areas of work and life. Rabbi Michael Cohen, educator and author, has been doing a lot of work in the area of NFTs and even holds a Twitter Spaces chat on Tuesday nights about it. He sees the potential for using NFTs for creativity and in the arts.

Mark Cuban, a billionaire and investor on NFT platforms, believes that textbooks will become part of the NFT experience. Digital textbooks can be resold and royalties can be collected for each resale.

Exaggerating resumes are one thing but we know that fraudulent qualifications can be very risky. Do you want a fake surgeon or pilot? The legal risks to employers are also significant. Universities and educational institutions of all kinds are seeking ways to validate and authenticate issued qualifications. A verifiable digital credential that cannot be tampered with makes sense. Employers can verify qualifications and academic transcripts digitally over the blockchain without third party screening. Just upload a copy of the document to a portal where the fingerprint is compared to the original and checked for integrity and expiration.

Smart Contracts in Teaching

Smart contracts are programs stored on a blockchain and there is potential for smart-contracts to be used by teachers within their courses. Smart contracts allow lessons and courses to be programmed into the blockchain and executed automatically once particular conditions are met. Task completion can be automatically verified on the blockchain. When tasks are completed, teachers could even receive payment with crypto tokens and students can be awarded credits. Entire educational courses and programs can be structured this way, automating several crucial parts of the process. The future of education will include smart contracts that automate processes.

Gamification in the Future of Education

We all know how attractive, and addictive, games can be for young and old? Whether you find the game enjoyable or not, we just keep playing. They achieve this by rewarding progression. In education it is helpful if we can measure the progress. If we can receive rewards for progress and measure this along the way it can become an integral part of both motivation for learning as well as tracking of progress. The rewards can be artificial but if tokenized they can be even more attractive. The rewards can provide significant incentives for both the learner and the teacher.